Vecka:  30
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 Dungeon XP Rank XP Hour XP Tier Time to Clear Glypth XP Rank  Mobs Boss Notering No Q
 Akkhan's Grasp 10 19.38 A 330 28  Warewolf, Zombies  Blood Bishop    
 Aldurwood 30 9.00 A 300 50  Wildlife, bear, tree  Den Mother    
 Bastion of faith 25 15.05 Crap 258 8  Knights. Mages. Cannibals      
 Betrayers Row 23 15.34 C 325 27  Hornets, Skeletons, Demons  Ja    
 Blind Burrows 30 9.00 S 300 50  Spiders, Bugs  The Broodguard  Poison, poison och poison  
 Carnel House 11 18.88 A 310 26  Cannibals, Skitters, Flugor  No Boss  Stor dungeon  
 Champions Demise 30 9.00 A 300 50  Spiders, Goatmen  Khazra Abomination  Return 3 stones  
 Collapsed Vault 17 17.37 B 285 16        
 Dead man's Dredge 13 18.39 S 295 22  Ghouls, Warg, Blood mages      
 Deserted Underpass 12 1.38 S 216 7  Spiders, Basilisk. (Poson)  No Boss  Kill all. Mycket Poison  
 Faceless Shrine 27 14.93 Crap 297 23  Cannibals, Mages  Mothers Judgment  Extremt lätt, snabb  
 Ghoa Ruins 6 1.75 S 171 1  Vattenfolk, Basilisker  Sea Hag  Direkt till boss  1
 Guulrahn Canal 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Spiders, Zombies  No Boss    
 Howling Warren 0 0.00 O 0 0        
 Komdor Temple 15 17.67 B 286 17  Demons, Goatmen  Kazra Abomination  Lätt  
 Kor Dragan Barracks 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Knights, Skeletons, Vampires  No Boss  Svår på högre lvl  
 Light's Refuge 0 0.00 Crap 300 0  Poison flugor, Knights, Trees,  3 bossarna  Jättestor! Labyrint map  
 Mariner's Refuge 3 24.38 S 219 3  Bloated, Ghosts, Drowned  Drowned Seahag    
 Maugans Works 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Knights, Bandits  Boss: Knight Council  2-3 Svåra stora packs  
 Mercy's Reach 7 21.77 S 240 5  Warg, Quillrat, Goatmen  Tomb Lord  Stora svåra packs  
 Path of the blind 29 13.84 Crap 297 24  Hornets, Wildlife, Mages      
 Prison of Caldeum 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Knights  Boss: Scourge of the Land    
 Rimescar Cavern 0 0.00 S 0 0  Clansmen, Isbjörnar  Khazra Abomination    
 Serpents Lair 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Serpent Callers, Occultister  No Boss    
 Shivta Ruins 30 9.00 Crap 300 50  Undead, Bloated  Boss: xx  Snabb  
 Tomb of the saints 9 19.65 A 294 21  Wasps, Wraths, Scorpions  Resurected Malice  Mycket ranged dmg  
 Uldur's Cave 1 31.93 S 247 7  Wildlife, Bandits, Scorpions    Poison Scorpions  
 Underroot 0 0.00 A 0 0      Döda Alla  
 Yshari Sanctum 0 0.00 A 0 0  Mages, skeletons  Mothers Judgment  Kill ALL. Stor MAP  
 Affixer du INTE vill ha  (I alla fall inte vid boost)
 Lightning Storm Lightning gathers above the player. Get into the protection dome to avoid severe outcomes.
 Empowered Elites (Suppressor) Elites always have the "Suppressor" affix.
 Nightmare Portals Red portals periodically spawn in the dungeon, unleashing more hellish demons from any region in Sanctuary.
 Empowered Elites (Cold Enchanted) Elites always have the "Cold Enchanted" affix.
 Monster Barrier Monsters gain 30% of their Maximum Life as a Barrier.
 Stormbane's Wrath Stormbane's Wrath chases players around, releasing deadly pulses when reaching a player. (despawns when boss objective completed)
By Draken 2023