Vecka:  04

 Alla  [ Barbarian  Druid  Necromancer  Rogue  Sorcerer ]   [ Defensive  Offensive  Resource  Utility  Mobility ]

 [ Head  Chest  Gloves  Pants  Boots  Amulet  Ring   2H Weapon  1H Weapon  Off-hand  Shield ]
Typ Aspect Effect Class Source
Utility Shared Misery Lucky Hit: When you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a [30-50]% chance for that Crowd Control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy. Alla Oblivion, Hawezar
Utility Slaughter You gain x% Movement Speed. Lose this bonus for [2.5-5] seconds after taking damage. Alla Drop
Utility Eluding Becoming Iniured while Crowd Controlled grants you Unstoppable for 4 seconds. This effect has a [40-20] second Cooldown. Alla Caldera Gate, Fractured Peaks
Utility Exploiters You have 20% increased Crowd Control Duration. While enemies are Unstoppable, you deal [20-50%] Alla Drop
Utility Anemia Lucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has up to a [20-30]% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds. Barbarian Kor Dragan Barracks, Fractured Peaks
Utility Grasping Whirlwind Whirlwind periodically Pulls enemies to you. Barbarian Drop
Utility Luckbringer Gain [12-20%] increased Lucky Hit Chance while all damage bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active. Barbarian Drop
Utility Relentless Berserker's Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Core Skill has up to a [22 - 40%] chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 2 seconds. Double this duration if it was a Critical Strike. Barbarian Hakan's Refuge, Kehjistan
Utility Weapon Master's Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge. Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a [37-55]% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds. Barbarian Drop
Utility Binding Embers Flame Shield lets you move unhindered through enemies. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for [2.0-3.0] seconds. Sorcerer Drop
Utility Fortune Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by [10-20]%[+] while you have a Barrier active. Sorcerer Drop
Utility Singed Extremities After Immobilize wears off, enemies are Slowed by [40-60]% for 4 seconds Sorcerer Earthen Wound, Hawezar
Utility Quicksand Damage from Earth skills Slow enemies hit by [25-50]% for 5 seconds. Druid Ferals' Den, Scosglen
Utility Dark Howl Debilitating Roar is now a Werewolf Skill. In addition, Debilitating Roar will Immobilize Poisoned enemies for [2.0-4.0] seconds. Druid Drop
Utility Ballistic When you have Fortify your Earth Skills gain +2 Ranks. Druid Whispering Pines, Scosglen
Utility Stormshifter's While Hurricane is active, gain +2 Ranks to your Shapeshifting Skills. Druid Crusader's Cathedral, Kehjistan
Utility Explosive Mist Blood Mist triggers Corpse Explosion on surrounding Corpses. When Blood Mist detonates a Corpse, its Cooldown is reduced by [0.2-0.5] seconds. Necromancer Drop
Utility Void Blight's defiled area, when spawned, Pulls in enemies around the affected area. Necromancer Drop
Utility Blood Getter's Your maximum number of Skeletal Warriors is increased by 2 Necromancer Drop
Utility Coldbringer's Every 8 seconds, your Cold Skeletal Mages cast a blizzard that deals [X] Cold damage and continuously Chills enemies for 8% over 6 seconds. Necromancer Drop
Utility Torturous Enemies afflicted by your Iron Maiden have a [15-25]% chance to be Stunned for 1 Second when they deal direct damage. Necromancer Deserted Underpass, Kehjistan
Utility Viscous Your maximum number of Skeletal Mages is increased by 2 Necromancer Drop
Utility Explosive Verve Your Grenade Skills count as Trap Skills. Whenever you arm a Trap or drop Grenades, you gain [10-18]%[+] increased Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Rogue Derelict Lodge, Fractured Peaks
Utility Noxious Ice Chilled enemies Poisoned by Poison Imbuement will be further Chilled for 20% per second. You deal [10-25]%[x] additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies. Rogue Drop
Utility Quickening Fog You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Dash's Cooldown is reduced by [0.25-0.35] seconds for each enemy Dazed this way, up to [0.75-1.05] seconds. Rogue Drop
Utility Frostbitten Chilled enemies hit by your Grenade Skills have a chance equal to double your Critical Strike Chance to be instantly Frozen for 2 seconds. You deal [10-25%] increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen enemies. Rogue Drop
Utility Mangler's Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a [25-45%] chance to Daze them for 2 seconds. Rogue Drop
Utility Audacity When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun them for [2-4] seconds. This can only occur once every 20 seconds. All Drop
Utility Adaptability When cast below 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills generate 3 of your Primary Resource, once per cast. When cast at or above 50% Maximum Resource, Basic Skills deal 40–80% increased damage. Alla Drop
Utility Virulent When Rabies infects an enemy, reduce its cooldown by 0.3–0.6 seconds. This cooldown reduction is tripled when infecting Elites. Druid Drop
By Draken 2023